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Old Fart SUJU Fan
Monday, March 8, 2010
hanwon or sigeng
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Ryeowook the shortest but too cute batch 7
high-pitched lovely voice Ryeowook (batch 6)
wookie dorkie (JK) batch #5: Ryeowook
Mr. Sensitive soul: Ryeowook (batch 5)
Eternal Youngest (batch 4) 6-21-87
My #4: Ryeowook Kim (batch 3)
(8)another nickname: Monkey (Hyukjae/ Eunhyuk)
Voted the biggest player by female groups at CTP: ...
almost birthday boy: Eunhyuk (Hyukjae)6
Eunhyuk/ Anchovy lovers: this is for you: batch #5
Enhyuk (ANCHOVY) DOB: 4/4/86; Batch 4
batch 3: Eunhyuk (5th fav); start off with the al...
on a happier note
credits @
credits @ SuJu_America (twitter)
yewook or Ryeosung (pop couple) Batch 2
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heeteuk/ leechul (1983 peeps) batch 2
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Heemin/ Sungchul batch 2
Heedong / Shinchul (2nd batch)
Heebum/ Kichul (another pop couple) batch 2
Hanwon/ sigeng (second batch)
Hansung/ Yegeng (1984 peeps) second batch
hanhae/ donggeng ( couple batch 2)
hanchul/ heegeng (another pop couple) batch 2
hanbum/ kigeng (new)
eunwon/ sihyuk
eunteuk/ leehyuk (second batch) *another popular c...
eunin/ kanghyuk
Eunhae/ Donghyuk (batch 2) *one popular couple & 2...
Eungeng/ Hanhyuk (batch 2)
eundong/ shinhyuk (batch 2)
eunchul/ heehyuk (new)
eunbum/ kihyuk (new batch)
Dongteuk/ Leehae (batch 2)
Dongmin/ Sunghae (2/3 of 1986 peeps) batch 2
Dong-in/ Kanghae (batch 2)
Donghyun/ Kyuhae (Batch 2)
dongdong/ shinhae (new batch)
dongchul/ Heehae (batch #2)
couple Batch #2: Dongbum/ Kihae
credits @ by twelfs / most eligible son-in-law in KO
update and why I think I'm most like Kangin and a ...
batch 16: part of group
part 15: part of group
part 14: part of group
Part 13: part group
batch 12: Part of Group
batch 11: part of group
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