Sunday, February 28, 2010

스트래스 풀때 (to relieve stress)

이거쓰는이유 는 스트래스 풀개 하개. 슈쥬 소식 듣는개 기쁘다. 오늘 교회 갔었다. 내 친안 칭구 보는개 참 좋아. 교회 생활이 재밌어. 슈쥬 노래 트는개 참 기분 좋깨만들다 ! 학교 때문에 지친다. 기도 많이 하고있다. 요즘에 굼굼하다. 은혁이 겅간 이어떻까? 강인은 어떻깨 진해냐? 새상에는 슬픈 일이많어. 지진 도있다. 새상이 엉망이다. 나도 옜날에 우을쯩 거렸다. 아주 아주 오랬동안. 근대, 슈쥬 노래들 처럼 기쁨 주는개없다 - 창송가 빼고. 예수님 믿어요. 내 생활 한태는 진짜 중요해요. 저번주 에는 진짜 힘들었다. 요즘메 힘들어. 대는일이없다. 그래도, 슈쥬노래든다. 소식도들어.

이개 먼저는 슈쥬를 위한 쓰는곳이다. 개인문재 쓸려고 안핼려그랜는대. 근대, 미안. 슈쥬도 힘들일이많아. 다피곤하고 지친다. 나처럼. 인재 저도 나이가 있어어, 기윤이 없다. 공부가힌들어. 슈쥬도 그렇깨치? 다앞으고 힘들고. 내가개내들 한태 도움을 주고싶은대, 아무곳도 해줄깨없다. 팬들 그렇깨느끼때 많깼지? 미안하다. 도움을 아조서. 그 남자에들이 많히착하개 보인다. 행복하개 진해면 좋깨다! 사랑과 하나님에 은해! 내생각은 슈쥬가 우연이 생긴 그룹이 아니다. 그 옆에서 기쁨을 준다.

근대 슬프다. 저는 뉴욕에서 살자나요. 근대, 겼태 미국에 있는 칭구들 (특기, 옂아애들) 한태 무로본다: 슈쥬 알아? 근대, 많히 모른다. 저에 친한 남자칭구들오 모른다. 모르는 사람들이 많아요. 저도 3달 전해도 모랐다. 유툽에서 우연이 못봤으면, 아직도 모르갰다. 미국에 오면 좋깼다. 어린아이들은 알갰지. 근대, 나이 25-30 살 으른들은 몰라. 한국사람도.

솔칙기 2pm, 빙방 과 동방신기 를 슈퍼주니어 전에 알았다. 근대, 개내들 노래들을 관심이 쪼금도 없다. FT ISLAND 은들은많해. 이홍기 목소리 가 매력이 있따. 나는 규연, 류욱 과 예성이 목소리 가 천국갔다. 특히, 규연 이 꺼. 나는오ㅓ 래 기 픈 목소리 좋아한다. 예내들 진짜 순진하개 생겼다고 생각하고있어요. 인상이 참다 좋아요. 내가남동생들이 있으면 개내들에면좋깼어요.

슈퍼주니어 멤버들아: 이누나 한태, 노래로 기쁨조서 고맙다. 힘들때 옆에있어주소고맙다, 진짜. 니내들이 상상도못간다. 다 행복하개 살면 좋깼어. 이그룹 생활이 힘들다고 상상이간다. 가족들 보고싶지? 왜로울때 많치? 이 그룹 통에서 새개를 변한다.

내가 글시 쓴개 말이대니? 말이안돼면, 미안. 피곤하다. 내마음에는 항상 슈퍼주니어 가있다. 이 소리다.

솔치끼 영어로 쓰는개 많이 편해. 근대, 저는 한국인. 한국사람이니까, 한국글씨 쓰는 연습을해야돼.

내가지금 이특에 cyworld 읽었다. 슬퍼요. 왜롭개 든다. 그렇깨 든니까, 미안하다. 도움을 줄수있으면, 버서 좄어.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

바뻐서 많히못어.

은혁아, 큰병 걸렸니? 잘 모과리해라! 큰 소식이다!

강인아, 언재냐 또 볼수있니? 본지가 오랬됐다. 힘들지? 화이팅!

Eunhyuk, I heard you got the swine flu. take care of your body!

Kangin, When can we see you again? It's been awhile. It's been difficult right! Hwaiting!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


영어루 (한국말 로 표용 하기가 어려오ㅓ.
So I wrote descriptions about each SuJu members. Just a disclaimer that not everything that I say is true. It's just what I believe to be true. I just looked through youtube and found some information on youtube or I read it from somewhere. Anything that may sound negative about them, I'm not trying to bash them. Everybody has personal strengths and weaknesses. I love all my SuJu boys. I hope I didn't offend anyone. On some part, it's to add some humor to it. The reason why I added some description to each member, is for me to personify (individualize) each person. they are each unique persons. They are not just 13 boys meshed together. They are all very unique in their own ways. I want to show their unique tastes, their unique strengths and weaknesses. But whatever I wrote is not the absolute truth. I may be wrong, since some information may just be rumors. But it's from what I heard. I hope to offend anyone. Part of reason why I wrote different blogs about each of them is to help me remember them, and make memories out of them. I don't know if that makes. But, anyway.

이번주 에는 바뻐다. 정신이 없다. 솔지끼 쓔쥬 노래들 틀은 기홰 가벼로 없었다. 팬 패이지 도 많히 안갔다. 교회 때문에도 바뻐다. 보니까, 콘서트 아직도 있다. 저거도 한번 그 나라들에 가고싶다. 근대, 저는 미국에 있다. 미국에 안 올꺼갔다. 동남 아시아 에 많히 이끼가많아. 저가 사모님 한태 오늘 슈퍼주니어 를 안다고 물어봤다. 그 분은 나보다 4살 위다. 그럼 나이는 대충 34 살. 미국에는 아는 사람들 만치아는거 갔다. 아쉽다. 슬프다. 나 쇼에서 예내들 직접 보면 기절 할꺼갔다. 그렇깨 이그룹을 좋아한다. 매력이넘처. 이상해. 옛날에는 이 렇지안했다. 규티나. 멤버 들은 나보다 어린대. 민망이다. 근대, 기분은 좋따! 다이상한 눈치 날까바 어떤때 는 걱정이다. 근대, 신경쓸피료가 없다. 내가 좋아하는대. 그치? 나이가 무슨 사니냐?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

진짜감독 이야

나는 한국말을 잘하지만, 쓰는거는못어. 항상, 한국에서 온칭구들이깜작놀래. 한국말을 잘한다고. 저는 4살 때 미국에왔자나나. 슈쥬 덕부내, 요즘에는 한국말을 더써. 지금내 나이는 30살.

맡에 쓴거 (영어로됐지만) 진짜 감독쓰럽다. 솔치끼, 저는 학생이다. 쓰태스 가많아. 가목은 3개 보개 않들른대, 시염들이 가가오ㅓ 진다. 밑에 있는 쓴개진짜 감독이야. 글씨는 요즘에 쓴가봐. 슈쥬는 가족. 참 마음이흔더려. 저는 혼자 자라서 왜로울때가많아. 또, 칭구들 이많이 시집갔다. 엏떤 아이 들은 아이도 났다. 근대, 내가 쓔쥬 팬대고 들 왜로오ㅓ. 프로 에 보면, 이남자들이 다 친하개보인다. 친한거보이면 부럽따. 저도 이 주변에 옂아친구들이 있으면 좋깼다. 근도, 많이 떠러저 산다. 저는잠심만 만난 칭구가 있었다. 그칭구는 서울에서온 칭구. 동갑. 미국에 6달 있었다. 개 아랐대, 4달 벽개안됐어. 해여지고, 내가솔칙기 예기핼깨: 왜로울때가 많아. 진짜이상하다. 쓔쥬 멤보들이 아는 에들 갔다. 재가 있고싶은 동생/칭구들 갔다. 내가 칭구사길때, 예내들해면 좋깼다. 및태거 읽으 면서 진짜 마음이음지겼다. 가족. 참쌘 말이다. 나는 보기좋은개, 슈쥬 멤버들 끼리 소중 하개생각하는거. 그림갔에. 잘생겼지만.

이 수학선생는 대는개힘들다. 저가 그전에 심니학과 공부 했었다. 이나이 만을때 정공을박그는 개 쉬운일이 않이다. 슈쥬가 나한태 행복을준다 (그 노래처럼.) 완벽해! 나는 가수 와 그럽 (미국 와 한국에 있는) 들을 많히 알아. 옛날 노래도 많히알아. 저가 5살 때부태 바요린 첬다 (고동학교 끝에 관도지만.) 저는 어릴때 춤을 배우고싶었다. 지금 도그래. 아직도 춤배우고 싶다. 내칭구들 이많이 나보고 춤잘친다그래. 부모님 들이 반대했조. 그래도 공부 하는거를 아무렇치 않니까, 공부 하는 길을 갔어요. 한범 무영도배우고싶고, 영극도 하는마음도 있어요.

성민 과 예성 씨 가 연극한다고 드릴때, 참기분이좋았어요. 회철, 시오ㅓㄴ, 과 기범도 영극하는 경음이 많치. 노래 하고 춤도잘치고. 대만에서 콘서트 했지? 라이오 디재 도하고. 참 실력이많어. 나도 그런실력이 있으면 좋깼다. 공부 가나이가 드러서 지료진다. 항상 열심이하지. 근대 경재 가나쁘자냐. 슬프다. 어떤때는 히망이없어. 나는 5살때 바래를 배우고싶었어.

근대 너내들은 한 그룹이자나. 왜롭지않치? 그대핼수있는 사람들이있어어, 좋깼다. 남자들이 다그렇깨 정이많은거 보는개 힘들어. 니내들이 티기하다. 오래갈꺼갔태. 이누나 에느낌이 좋아. 그렇깨 발해. 그소리들면좋아: 슬플때, 기분좋아할때. 다갗이 있는거. 부터있는거. 한 팀. 떠러진 아는 사람들. 그 결심이 보기좋따! 어린에들 한태도 좋은 교욱. 이 새상 이 떠러진 새상. 나 는 나. 너는너. 그건, 마국만 그런가?

한 가족. 그개 인구들이 다그리운개 아닌가? 13 명에서는 그개 시운일이 않이다. 3 명에도 싶개 갈라 질수 있어. 그대, 13 명. 오 오 오!!! 대단해!

사람들이 많히 그렇갰지. 너는 나이가 30 살인대, 왜 이런거좋아하는거야. 보니까, 팬들이 많이 나보다 10 살어려. 그래서 이누나가 왜로울때가 많아. 그래서, 이브로그가 있지. 이 누나가 많이 위로 해줄깨, 긑가지. 내가 니대들을 동생 처럼 생각해. 보니까, 인간성이 많어. 다른 미국와 한국 그룹 과 개인가수들보면, 냉정해. 근대, 내느낌이 니내들은 삶이있어. 내가 전에 예기했지만, 그주변에 기쁨얼 주는거 같에. 거지말이 않이다. 개니, 보기좋깨 하는거않이다. 진실이야. 이개다 내마음에서 예기하는거야. 받아조. :))) 팬들이 많치? 좋깼다. 기분은 짱 이갰다. 왜로울 때가없갰다.

나 솔치기 칭구가 없는거않이다. 나는 한 그럽을 이렇깨 좋아할꺼라고 상상 도 못했다 (전해.) 나는, 솔직기, 유툽 에서 어떤이끼많은 한국가수들 있을까 봤다. 나는 솔직기 별로아무곴도없다고 생할거라고 했어. 근대, 비이오, "쏘러, 쏘리" 와 "너라고" 봤다. 그때부터, 저가 모를 느겼다. 그 트기한 느낌. "이 그겁이 트기하고냐", 그느낌. 내 첯인상 이트리지 않았다. 그러 보다 더 좋앚었다.

니내들한태 고맙다. 솔지끼 우리는 모르는 사람들인대. 이거보면서, 이 이상한옂아가 누굴까? 그렇진않아갰지? 나는 보통 옂아야! 진짜야! 진짜고맙다. 새상을 다르개 볼수있개. 하나님도 어뚱한대서 인간들 한태 기뿜도 주시고. 하나님에 니에들 한태 축복을발해. 하나님 에사랑을 진짜 알면 좋깼다. 행복 과 기뿜을 슈쥬가 평생 가꼬있으면, 좋깼어. 내가 오늘많았다. 잠잘 시간이됐는대. 동남 아시아 는오후이갰다. 하루를 잘보재쇼~!

We'll Be Together in 13 forever ((CREDITS BELOW)

Leeteuk: In the past, we have always had activities separately.Many have expressed their unhappiness about it. But I always tell my fans, we have 13 members and will only have 13. This determination must be present within us.SJ is our house. A house will not leave behind or forget any member. Although this house is not big, but everyone one of us need you.

Heechul: We have many members, there are many times where we are apart, but i hope we can cherish the times we spend together.Even if there’s only a minute.Even if we are so busy that we are unable to meet.I still hope the members can enjoy the happy times together and comfort each other during hard times.

Hangeng: Its been 7/8 years since our members have been together, since trainee days. we cared for each other ,received awards, go through tough times and cried together. There are many things that I’m sorry as well as grateful for towards our members.I have never said this before. But i really want to thank the members, who have always been by my side no matter what. And I’m really sorry for not being there during difficult times.

Yesung: The past have already passed. Everything will start afresh.We shall not forget that we are Super Junior’s members. We are a family.

Kangin: I don’t wish to think what will become of us in the future or how long more can we be together. Once i think about it, I’ll feel very sad. But no matter what happens in the future, separation, or not being an artist, I wish I can tell others, these are my family members, we are Super Junior.

Shindong: I kept thinking that it was because I couldn’t fit in, I can leave Super Junior. But come to think of it, although there might be this determination, but it is impossible to leave and forget about everything. The members who have always been worried about me. The worried members who called back from China upon knowing that I was on diet.Then did i know my thought of leaving is not being good to them but just pure selfishness.I wish to stay by your side…and a Suju member that does not embarrass the group.

Sungmin: I’ve always felt that Super Junior is a group that causes one to feel tired easily. Hence, I’ve been jealous of DBSK sometimes because they can have activities together without leaving anyone behind. But i still think our group is the best! Although we often have activities separately, but during introductions, we will always say I am Super Junior’s XXX . This is the best moment.

Eunhyuk: I’ve always been thinking, what exactly can i do? Other than dance and rap, what can i give the members? How lucky am I, the not so special me, to always get introduced to others by the members proudly. Thank you our members. No other words or emotions can express my gratitude towards you.

Donghae: Others told me : I trust and love you. This is what i want to tell our members now. The members who tolerate whatever mistakes I’ve made.The hyungs who have been like a father to me.I love you.Forever.To me, you are my family who’ll never change or leave me.

Siwon: When we are promoting in China, it is very tiring, and i really miss the members in Korea.However, regardless if it is M or H, there is a SJ in front. whenever i think about it, it makes me feel as if the members have always been together.

Ryeowook: When we go China, the fans will always raise huge placards.There are also Suju ones.Whenever I see these placards,I will start counting our members, from 1 to 13.When I reach 13, it feels as if the members are together again. I always believe, being apart is only a matter of time. We will definitely return and be by their side again.

Kibum: Although I seldom attend activities with the members, including 3jib, therefore there are many times where people ask me: are you a member of SJ? I’ve never been able to express how apologetic I am to the members.Compared to other forms of addresses, Super Junior is still my favourite. Although I’m unable to be on the stage with the members, my heart is still with our 12 members. Please believe me.

Kyuhyun: China fans wrote a sentence on the pearl sapphire blue sea photo. If one day, the world betrays Super Junior, ELFs will betray the whole world too.I’ve always been thinking, what did we do to deserve such love from them. But come to think of it now, it is not just for me, but for our 13 members. Though we were often separated, the members who have never stopped working hard for this team called super junior, THANK YOU!

credited: Super Junior’s Baidu Bar

Translated by:

Friday, February 19, 2010

Comments thoughts about other groups/ solo artists in KO

어적게, 슈쥬멤버들에서 썻따. 근대, 완전니정하칸 내용이안니다. Yesterday I wrote about the Super Junior Members, and I can't say that my writings about them were accurate. 틀맀수있다. I could be wrong. 오늘도개내들이엏떠깨 진핸지 굼굼하다. Today, also, i was curious about how they are doing. 진짜, 아는사람들갔타. It seems like they are people I know. 이상한느낌. The strange feeling. 근대, 다른그룹 와 소로가수 도좋아는사람들도있따 (한국에서.) There are other solo artists and groups that I like in Korea besides Super Junior. 슈쥬가없었으면, 새빈 과 F.T. Island 에관심들이있어따. If there were no Super Junior, I would have liked the Se7en and F.T. Island. F.T. Island 에 멤버들이 어리지만, 진짜 재주가많아. Although FT Island members are really young, they are really talented. 새빈에 시력도 인정하다. I acknowledge Se7en's talent. 최동우 (새빈) 도 진짜매력있개생겼어. Dong Wook Choi (Se7en) is really good looking guy too. 나는남자 목소리가좋아. 목소리 가 더깊으면, 메력이따고생각해. I like males' voice. The deeper it is, the more charming it is. 소녀시대 도 인정하고싶다. I'd like to acknowledge Girls' Generations' talents.근대, 멤버들에 목소리가 빗태. All the members' voices sound the same. 싫어하지않어. 팬은 아니다. I don't dislike them; I'm just not a fan. 나에 소녀시대 리스트가여기있따:

나는 예뿐여자들을 인정해. I acknowledge if a woman is pretty
내가남자 에면 좋아는 타이프. My type of girls if I was a guy
나는 질투하는 느낌을싫어해. I don't like getting jealous (if I do)
김현주 (1978) Hyun Joo Kim- 여자 연해 중에서 재일잎은 언니. Out of all the female celebrities, one of the celebrities older woman. 요즘에나타난 드라마 (dramas she's been in:) 파트너 (The Partner), 구중표 에누나 (꽃보는 여자) - Boys over Flowers - Gu Jun Pyo's older sister. 얼굴이 미술같에 Her face is a work of art.
이다해 (1984) Da Hae lee - 찐하개 생겼지만, 진짜예뻐. She's got strong features, but she is beautiful. 나타난 드라마 (Dramas she appeared in:) 에덴에 동쪽 (East of Eden), 마이 걸 (My girl)

손예진 (Ye jin Son, 1982) 영화 끄래씩 (The movie classic). 얼굴이 많하예뻐. Her face is so pretty@

나는, GOD 에 윤계상 을돼개 관심이있어다. I had a lot of interest with GOD's member Yoon Kye sang. 개내들 에노래들을 관심있어다. I had a lot of interests in their songs. 계상 오빠 (이재오빠라고 부룼우있구나) 이진짜잘생겼다고 생각해. I think Kyesang oppa (now I could call someone oppa, since SUJU members are younger than me) is very good looking man. 노래들을 잘불어. They sing really well. 내가 중학교때 룰라, 투투 노래들을 많하 들었다. When I was in middle school i used to listen to a lot of Roora and Tutu. 소리드 과 HOT, S#arp, 녹새치대. 그때 인기많은그럽. They used to be very popular. GOD 후에 한국노래들을 끈겼다. I stopped listening to Korean music after GOD. 중학고 1 학년에 서태지와 아이들 이나타났다. When I was in 6th grade, Seotaiji and Boys bombarded Korea.

나는한번도 음악그럽 (배우) 에팬핸직기없어다. 슈쥬가 나타날때 전해. I was never a fan of any music group or actors, until I encountered Super Junior. 인재알갰어. 팬대는 느낌이이런것. Now I know how it feels like to be a fan. 그 전에 상상을했다: 누구에 팬돼면, 느낌이어떻까? Before I asked myself how it would feel like to be a fan of something or someone. 나는 오ㅓ 래 이런 사람이 않이엤어다. I am not usually this kind of person. 그래서 생각을해는거야. So this is what I'm thinking. 슈퍼주니어 가 다른그룹 이없는거 있다. That Super Junior has something that other groups don't have. 특벽해. It is special. 인간성이많은거 같다. 진실이야. 숨시는 사람같아. 감정이 많어. it is like a human. It's real. It's like a breathing human. There are emotions too. 잘생기고 노래잘 부르고 땐스 잘추는 그룹 이새상에 많어. There are a lot of people/ groups that are good-looking, great singers and great dancers. 근대, 슈쥬 는그거보다 더다. Super Junior is more than that. 성격이있다. It has personality. 색칼을 치래다. It makes colors. 삶이도라온다. It back life. 개내들보면, 하고, 개내들에 노래틀면, 기분이 더좋아진다. When I see them, or listen to their music, I feel better. 나같이 우울사람한태. A person who is naturally mood as I. 다른 새상을떠나가는 니낌. The feeling that I am in another world. 웃음이 온다. Smiles come along. 2 달전부터, 그분이 더좋아젔다. Since 2 months ago, I've been feeling better. 슈쥬덕 분에. All because of Super Junior. 하나님 민는 인간 이이렇깨예기 한다. I'm speaking as Christian. 너무 푹바저가주고, 하나님 한태 쥐진느낌. Because I've fallen for them, I feel like I am sinning against God.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

규현 (Kyuhyun)

한국이름: 초규현 (Kyuhyun Cho)
생일: 2.3.1988
13th oldest member = youngest
#7 favorite
Nickname: GameKyu (because of his love for computer games)

Looking at this picture, you would think he is the most serious of all the group members? I beg to differ. He is a comic relief. He is also the youngest member of the group, and he carries off that charm. To be honest, I was kind of surprised to hear that he was the youngest, because he looks older than his actual age. He is one of the lead vocal of the Super Junior group, and his voice is so deep and so beautiful. And given, that I usually love deep voices. He carries the baritone of the group. He is part of the group KRY and Super Junior M. He has an older sister (1985.) He looks like from what I've seen, the type of guy who could get away with a lot of things. He likes to joke away, and it's totally okay because he's the youngest anyway. Unfortunately, a few years ago, some of the group members got into a bad car accident. He was the one who was the most severely injured. He stayed in hospital for several months. Thus, he was not able to partake in the movie "Attack of the Pin-up Boys." This kid is funny. I wish I had a younger brother like him. He's a type of guy who would pull pranks to his older brothers. I think some of these brothers get annoyed with him. He seems close to Yesung and Donghae, and a lot of the group members. Yesung had a video letter sent to those who were injured in the car accident (he was crying in that video) and he said to Kyuhyun that he forgave him for being such a prankster and apolegizes how he felt annoyed by it. He makes very witty comment (via Intimate Note) and he says funny things about his "brothers." The funniest thing was during Intimate Note (show), the boys that appeared in the show was supposed to write a anonymous letter to each other. To each of his older "brother" he wrote the same line ("I will get jealous if you get close to that other guy" or "I will stop speaking formally" or "Let's play Starcraft together." He seems to be fond of video games. He is still a child and it shows. Despite his childlikeness, he has a mature voice that blows you away! He is part of Super Junior M and KRY. He's a Christian as I saw him sing at a Protestant church (hymn). He was not part of Super Junior until a couple of 100 days after its debut (it used to start off as a 12 member group, but he joined later in 2006. The group started in end of 2005 (NOV))

(기범) Kibum

한국이름: 김기범
생일: 8.21.1987
지겁 : actor, singer
12th oldest member
9th favorite
Nickname: Snow White

Out of all the members of the group, I know least about him. Sometimes I wonder if he is still part of the group. I think there was a rumor. The guy is very busy with his acting career. He is still taking a role right now in a Korean movie. He has a history of acting. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It's his priority. I just know that he grew up in the States for a few years, and he has a younger sister. He appears only a tad in music videos like "Sorry, Sorry" and "It's you." He appeared more often in older videos. I think out of all the group members (even Ryeowook), he's got the baby face. I thought actually he was younger than his actual age. But I could see he has such a stage presence. It seems like he is fun to be with. He is close with Heechul (at least from what I see.) He seems to get along with people in general. A lot of fans are upset because he hardly participate in Super Junior activities. He missed a lot of performances and awards, and even shows (not saying it's his fault or something wrong with him.) He has that boyish charm about him. He did play a role in the Super Junior movie, "Attack of the Pin-up" with most of the members in Super Junior played. I think he was the lead role. He's the only one who is not part of any Super Junior sub-units (KRY, H, T, M)

(류욱) Ryeowook

한국이름: 김류욱
생일: 6.21.1987
Nickname: Eternal Magnae (Forever Youngest)
11th oldest member
4th favorite member

To be honest, personality-wise, he is my most favorite member. This dude got a lot of soul. I think out of all the Super Junior members, he is a guy I want to be buddy with (best friends.) He just seems like a caring, respectful guy. There were few episodes where he cried, which says he's got a lot of emotions, and he is not afraid to show it. He is real: like what you see is what get, kind of guy. He cares for his group members, and in a way, maternal to them. I heard he cooks, and it is important that people eats his food. I saw old pictures of him, and I thought there was a crazy change in him. I mean, physically. It looks like he lost 1/2 the weight. He's the shortest, but also the cutest. I guess that's why people call him the eternal "youngest." I love his cheekbones, it's his greatest attributes (different from Donghae's.) He is an awesome singer, one of the lead vocal of the group. He has a high-pitched. It was cute where I saw a video of him losing a shoe during a performance and it was told that he cried afterward. In that way, he is such a kid (in a good way.) I saw a recent video where he got scared when there were firecrackers. He's a sensitive soul. He is part of Super Junior M and Super Junior KRY (with Yesung and Kyuhyun.. the name of the group is their initials.) He seems like he's the least who would offend anyone. It was told he likes girls with nice necks and nice voice. His first kiss was when he was 7. He saw Roora perform and since he was young, he tried so hard to practice singing because he wanted to be in a stage. He is very ticklish, and easily laughs. He, like half of the group, is an only child. He grew up in Incheon, Korea. He also enjoys composing music. He has a classical music background (because that was his major in college). he is also called by "Wookie"

(시원) Siwon

한국이름: 최시오ㅓㄴ(Siwon Choi)
생일: 2.10.1987 (actual date of birth: sometime last year: his parents forgot to register for his birth)
10th oldest member
12th favorite

Supposedly, a lot of girls are swoon over his looks. To be honest, he doesn't appeal to me much. I acknowledge that he is a very good-looking kid, but not for me. I think another reason is because he seems like one of those shy types. He doesn't appear in a lot of shows, so I am not as familiar with him. In "Come Play", he is voted amongst the female group members to be the "Prince" which is a big title. I guess, he's a favorite among them. One thing I love about him is that he is a devout Christian. I think I read somewhere (although I do not know the accuracy) that he tried to convert Heechul (who is an atheist/ agnost.) There is something suave about him. Something gentle too. He is part of Super Junior M. His family is filthy rich and they opposed him auditioning in any entertaining industry. I think the family is a president of some big company - i think it was department stores, I just forgot what. He's an only child as well. He is a drummer and holds a black belt in Taekwondo. His family lives in Kangnam, so he does not have to dorm with the other boys in an apartment (2 floors of about 10 boys, or so.) He seems like a genuinely nice guy. I'm glad that he didn't heed his family's advice of not pursuing entertainment career. He makes me proud! He does have a cute dimple when he smiles. He is part of Super Junior - M. I think he's one of the most reserved in the group. Conservative, the least to say. He is known to show a lot of gestures! Sounds like a gentleman!

동해 (Donghae)

한국이름: 이동해
생일: 10.15.1986
Famous Nickname: "Fishy"
9th oldest member
3rd favorite

He is the first person I noticed in the music videos until I found the other two. I think it is high cheekbones that brought to my attention. He is a charmer;. Someone in this group said that he is the favorite amongst the SNSD girls.He's just very popular amongst the ladies. He did appear in one of their videos. . I think his facial profile is strong, that I wouldn't be surprised if people notice him first. He is a sensitive soul. He was stereotyped to be a cold-hearted person, but he is told to be a very warm guy, with gentle soul. Unfortunately, his father passed away in 2006. In one interview with Arirang, he was filled with tears when he talked about his dad. I guess he and his dad was close. His dad wanted to be a singer, but that failed. To be honest, he looks more Chinese than Hangeng. He gets along very well with Super Junior groups, especially peers his age (Eunhyuk and Sungmin). It is a cute thing to say that Eunhyuk and him are couple (so thus, they are called Eunhae.) He, along with his peer, Sungmin, was voted the best looking in a contest in 2001. He was one older brother (I don't his age.) He is a favorite amongst the ladies (besides Sungmin, I noticed.) I think it is his eyes and cheekbones. People say he was better looking in his youth, but I think it's the other way around. He is one of the best dancer in his group, and like Eunhyuk, he raps in the songs. He looks like a fun and carefree guy; like free-spirited or something. There was this thing in videos where in a group of some of the boys, Donghae's father asked Leeteuk to take care of Donghae after he dies (because he's the eldest amongst them.) It was very touching. Boy's got a lot of soul. he's a Christian. Person with lots of emotions. He is part of Super Junior-Mandarin. I like his performance in Super girl

은혁 (Eunhyuk)

한국이름: 이혁재 (Hyuk Jae Lee)
생일: 4.4.1986
8th oldest member
5th favorite

I have to be honest with you, he is not my type. But there is some oozing charisma that he has, that he is #5 on my list. Maybe one reason is that he is the best dancer in the group. I mean, any guy who could dance really well, is sexy, right? I mean, the best dancer. He is always in the front of any shows/ performances they do. This guy raps too, and it's good! I think he is fairly well-dressed as well. He is that mix of feminity and masculinity that a lot of women (I figure) would find him irresistible. He is funny too. He is told to be very awkward with Heechul. On Intimate Note, the members were told about him that he has no loyalty, and that he is a "backstabber" (I guess that was taken jokingly.) Another member called him a stingy guy, never spending money on his younger "brothers." I guess the dude likes to save money. He also dressed up as a woman, and I have to say that he was really gorgeous with the Chinese outfit. He played a good role of it. He called himself "Eunjae" and that he was Ms. Shanghai. He has a sense of humor, and he doesn't even try hard to have one. The guy is so tall and lanky, and thus why he is such a great dancer. He has an older sister (who I saw was very pretty; they were splitting image.) I saw his earlier trainee days, and I saw that one thing he said that he was good at everything, but studying. In the show, "Come to Play", he was voted amongst female members of different Korean groups to be the "player." He is a radio DJ currently with the leader of Super Junior, Leeteuk. He, like few others, are in a group Super Junior -Happy and Super Junior - Trot. He is a middle school (childhood) friend of one of the TVXQ member. His nickname is Anchovy. As of 2/25 (26) he was caught with the swine flu, but a week afterwards, he recovered and was able to participate in the rest of the Super Show II shows. His other nickname is monkey.

(성민) Sungmin

한국이름: 이성민 (Sungmin Lee)
생일: 1.1.1986
Nickname: Pumpkin
7th oldest member
2nd favorite

To be honest, this picture does no justice to how pretty this boy is. I have to admit, his name is the last one I remembered. He has such gentle features (facially) that I had a hard time remember his face and name, in the beginning. This boy loves the color pink and owns a lot of things of his that are of pink color. He is the polar opposite of Kangin, another member of Super Junior (as noted in Kangin's description.) I think he's the prettiest boy in the group. I think he's prettier than some girls. He seems to be a sensitive type, sweet. His voice is also sweet-sounding (when he talks.), kinda soft-spoken compared to the others. According to Kangin, he seems to be a type of guy who likes to take care of things, and tidy things up. He sounds like a hard-working guy. He seems to be a favorite member amongst the ladies fan. He thinks of himself as being cold to his fans, but Yesung disagrees. He has one older brother. He once was a radio DJ with Sunny (of SNSD.) Their nicknames were SunSun. He's one of those gentle soul types (unlike Kangin.) A lot about him is very feminine (actually more feminine than I am, embarrassingly.) I think he's a Christian. When I see what he wears, he is always well-dressed. My hunch is that he likes shopping. I feel bad because I'm making it sound like i'm talking about a girl. He's close to guys his age: Eunhyuk and Donghae. He is part of Super Junior -Happy, and Trot. When he was cross-dressed during "Intimate Note" he was dressed as a high school girl, who always chew gum. From Kangin's description, his relationship with Kangin is awkward. He won the contest of being the best-looking in 2001, along with his group-mate, Donghae. He is an expert in wine! and loves to talk about it! He also has background in martial arts.

신동 (Shindong)

이름 (한글): 신동희 (Shin Dong Hee)
Date of Birth (생일): September (9) 28, 1985
6th oldest member
11th favorite

To be honest, I feel bad for Shindong. I'm sure he gets discriminated a lot because of his weight. A lot of people say he's probably the worst looking member, but I think that is just unfair. If you look at his face, he's not bad-looking. If he was an entertainer in US than he wouldn't stand out that much. But that's my own personal grievance about the whole weight thing going on in Korea. But this guy is funny. I think he won something for his comedy at one point. He is cute, like a teddy-bear. He seems very sweet. He seems social too. He is a well-liked person. He is full of life and personality. He is his own radio DJ, and it seems like he's been busy with that. Sometimes I think he's the funniest member. He is a great dancer; I am amazed at his dancing skills. He's always in the forefront with the other boys. Like other members, he's like a little kid. He doesn't appear in a lot of shows, so I don't know too much about him compared to other members. He is in Super Junior Trot, Happy. He, like couple of the others, is an only child. Shindong also has an official twitter that I am a regular follower, I also write comments on pictures he post. :P He is also a DJ for SimSimTapa, a radio station.

강인 (Kangin)

한국이름: 김영운 (YoungWoon Kim)
생일: 1.17.1985
5th oldest
10th favorite member

I could see a lot of women fall for him. He's not my type. As I mentioned before, he is a guy who I feel like I resemble the most (looks & personality.) He has quite a personality. He is called Kangin because he is supposedly very strong. To be honest, I think he is the most manliest man in the group, besides Siwon. It could be implied that he is hot-tempered and very guyish. He looks martial arts and he is an only child too. He also a nice, husky voice, not too high and not too deep. He's got colorful personality, and seems to be in the social side. He treats people older than him with respect. In "Intimate Note" the show, it was shown that he was very awkward with the group member Sungmin (since they are polar opposites that Sungmin is pretty girly for a boy and Kangin is the macho type.) Sungmin accused him of making the group late and he implied about his weight too (but I think that was in a joking manner.), and that he needs to take better care of his skin. Sungmin also complained that he plays favorites amongst the younger members. He won a contest in 2002 for the best outward appearance. I have to say again, I am alike him in a lot of ways so I could best relate to him, although I am not hot-tempered. Hankyung said that he is most scared of Kangin. There is fieriness about him. Again, in Intimate Note, he had to cross-dress to with 3 other members. He looked like the most awkward out of all the them. Sorry, but he didn't pull it off well. he played the Russian tennis player's red-hair girlfriend, with a red cheerleader outfit. I think he's close to the leader, Leeteuk. In the show, "Come to play" he won the contest of the one with the loosest mouth. He is full of life and energy. He did radio DJ for 1-2 years with a SNSD girl (my favorite in that group), Taeyeon. He is like a bull-very strong. I think I remember hearing that he was a trainee for another singing group, until he joined Super Junior. He is in Super Junior Happy, Trot. He has went through two incidents in which unfortunately since around November/ December he has been suspended from any Super Junior activities (because of assault and DUI incident.) One of his nickname is Raccoon.

예성 (Yesung)

한국이름: 김종운
생일: August (8) 24, 1984
4th oldest member
In my list: #1!!
His stage name means beautiful voice!
Nickname: Babycloud

He is my favorite member of the group as I have indicated before. First, he's very appealing. Second, look at his face! He's got an awesome gift of singing (when you hear him sing, you feel like you are flying up in the air!)He is one of the main vocal of the group. He is not the greatest dancer. He is always the butt of everyone's joke. From my impression, he is shyer compared to other members. They say he wears cross as jewelries usually. He is told to be a devout Catholic. His mom had secretly sent out his voice recordings to the SM studio without his knowing. It was through his mom that he was encouraged to sing ! He has a younger brother (born 1987.) that looks like a splitting image of him, but younger. They say he is very awkward and kind of dorky. He has a mysterious flair to him. He is the butt of a lot of the members' jokes, and he takes it well, with an awkward silence. He is (with Sungmin, my 2nd favorite) going into acting in a musical (Hong-gil Dong.) I could see he got that baby fat. He is a member of the group Super Junior KRY, and Super Junior Happy. In the show, Come to play, he (at least) had a tendency to touch the other members' lips while they were sleeping (he liked to roam from bedroom to bedroom.) He has a turtle because he got jealous that Heechul got a cat (and was bored and lonely.) He is good friends with Eunhyuk and Ryeowook and Kyuhyun. He is a walking advertisement for his mother's restaurant/ store. His favorite color is red, and he has has an unusually big hand and small hands.

한경 (Hankyung)

이름 : 한경 (Hankyung)
생일: 2.9.1984
6th favorite member
3rd oldest

He is a very good-looking Chinese guy. I think he's the first Chinese guy in any Korean group. I heard through the music company, he was picked from 3,000 people auditioning in China. From what I've been he is just very sweet. I heard his Korean through some videos, and sometimes, he speaks better Korean than I do!! It was told that he give most, if not all, his income to his mother in mainland China. He's an only child. I think I heard that he has done ballet. He is very close to Heechul (those two are like goofballs!) He once said Heechul taught him all the Korean bad words. They say he speaks better Korean if he's insulting (in a joking manner.) He seems well-composed and sweet. He is one of the lead dancers. There were some lawsuit troubles through SM company, but I think it's pretty much over with. He's just a funny guy. He's got a beautiful smile too. Sometimes like a kid too. He is part of Super Junior - M(anderin.) Out of 3000 people ! I think they did pick the right guy. He so fit into Super Junior despite him being of different nationality! In couple of shows, he hints that Heechul taught him a couple of bad words in Korean. He sued last December (to SM company) regarding temination (I don't know the complete details.) But his nickname is Beijing Fried Rice.

(김)회철 Heechul Kim

이름 : 김회철 (name: Heechul Kim)
생일 (birthday) 1983-7-10
Nickname: Cinderella
지겁 (occupation) : 가수, 배우 (singer, actor)
13th favorite member
2nd oldest member (2번재 형)

Just because he's in the last place of my list doesn't mean he's ugly or anything. He's just not my type. Again, like Leeteuk, I could see girls falling for his charismatic ways. I first found out about him before learning that he is a member of Super Junior. He played a role in this Korean drama called Golden Bride. I had no idea that he was a singer. People say this guy has girly feature, saying he is the prettiest member of the group. I disagree but that is just my opinion. I think he carries off a bad boy image too. I think the picture about comes from the music video Sorry Sorry. I think. I may be mistaken. In Intimate Note (a Korean show), he was said to have awkward relationship with Eunhyuk. So the other boys tried to make amends in their friendship/ relationship. I don't see him as much as the other members of the group. He is a very funny person. He looks like an extravert who likes to fool around and make jokes (just an impression!) It makes me think about him. He's adorable in his own ways. He's only in the sub-unit, Super Junior -Trot. He dressed up as a woman in the video "Rokuggo"He's got a very pretty sister a year older than him. I hate to say this, but he is agnostic/ atheist. In the show, Intimate Note, he was supposed to dress up as a woman and he played the role of Jessica in SNSD (aka where he got his name Heeshica.) He was very funny, and he kept saying "stupid" or "babo" in exact word, and then "no, no, no, no, ha!" It was just too funny. He's a jokester. He was voted the "weirdest member" in Come to Play show. One of his nickname is Cinderella. He has previous history of owning cats, and has a cat. I think they said he got one of his cat from a fan. He is playing a role in the drama "Loving you a thousand times", and I gotta say, this kid knows how to act ! Oh yeah, circa 2007, he played a role with Kibum in a sitcom called Rainbow Romance. He is hilarious.

이특 (Leeteuk)

새로운소식있으면, 개속쓰기... if i have any new info I will update continuously
한글이름: 박정수 (Korean name: Jeong Soo Park)
생일: July 1, 1983
Stage name means "Special"
8번재 재일좋은 멤버 (8th favorite member)
Oldest member (멤버들중에서 재이"형")

this guy has a great leadership qualities. He takes care of his younger brothers (very well.) And is passionate about making sure that the group stays together. He's in a lot of those Korean programs. He seems sweet and nice, and funny too. His sense of humor is unique. He likes to take over things (but in a good way.) He's an encourager. I think they said that he is the first person to join SJ. One reason why he is a leader is because he is the eldest member. He has an older sister 1 year older than him who I saw on TV and she is hilarious. They are splitting image of each other. He's got a unique husky voice, whenever he sings or whenever he speaks. Looks like a romantic guy, but since he's #8 on my list, he's not my type. I could see other (younger girls, of course) falling for him. I wish he had more screen time on music videos. This is the best picture I found of him. He is in Super Junior Trot and Super Junior Happy. His favorite color is white. He is a radio DJ with another SJ member, Eunhyuk (SUKIRA.) It is told that he has a unique laugh that is difficult to imitate. He is an awesome, loyal leader. He has so much great qualities of a leader. He really cares a lot about his younger brothers. He has a great gift of MCing. In his blog, he shares a great deal about his loneliness and price of fame. He's very philosophical - searching for meaning of life.

그냥, 생각 (only thoughts)

내가예기 했지? 그전에, 한국가수들에관심이없어따구. 슈쥬알기 전해는. DBSK, 샤니, 빙방, 비.... 솔직끼, 관심이없어. 새빈 과 F.T. Island 은 인정해. 개내들도 실력이있어. 근대, 팬 이라고 말하기가그래. 나 어렸을때는, 아무도 팬니 안니엤어. 봉통때는 노래들을틀면, 2번틀면, 진짜 질색이야. 한번틀면 충분해. 근대, 슈쥬노래들은 그렇치않아. 다른노래들면, 한번 더들면, 질쌕이야 - 듣기싫어... 미국노래도 끈팬이않이엤어. 저는 뉴욕에 살자나. 만해탄 에 오래많해갔어어. Times Square & Union Square 에서, 끈음학가개갔어어. 문들이 다 다닸어. 슈쥬 C.D. 들을찾아려그랬어. 진짜, 슬퍼서요. 한국에서, 슈퍼주니어 에팬이많으면, 좋깨서요. 저도알아요: 다른동남 아사아 에 인끼가더많은거. 미국에 오면 진짜좋을탠대. 저에 상상은, 저에미국에잘안한국친구도 다 슈쥬 몰은사람이많깼다. 그래서 혼자 여거서 팬돼는개왜렇우. 그렇깨 느껴요. 나이도저근 겄도않이대. 저는 이특 과 히철 보다 2.5 살많아요. 개내들도 그구룹멤버들 중에서 재일 나이 많아요. 귀여운 동생 갔에요.

Like I said before, I had no interest in Korean music before... before Super Junior. I have no interest in DBSK, Shinee, Big Bang, and Rain. I acknowledge the talents of Se7en and FT Island. They are pretty talented. But I cannot say that i am a fan of theirs. Beforehand, I was never a fan of anyone or anything. On average, whenever I hear the same song twice or more, I get sick of it. Once hearing was usually enough. Super Juniors songs are an exception. I usually get sick of it and don't want to hear it anymore if it's more than once. I was never this into American artists either. I went to large music stores in Times Square and Union Square, and I found they were closed down. I wanted to look for Super Junior CDs. That was pretty sad. I wish there were more Super Junior fans in Korea. I know they are even more popular in other Asian countries. It would be nice if the market will enter the US territory. I think there are a lot of Korean American friends of mine who hardly heard of Super Junior. So that is the reason why it's really lonely to be the sole Super Junior fan here. At least it feels like it. Neither am I young. I am 2.5 years older than the two eldest members there: Leeteuk and Heechul. They are very cute.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

SuJu English names: just a self note

found through youtube site
Leeteuk - Dennis Park
Heechul -Casey Kim
Hangeng - Joshua Tan
Yesung - Jerome Kim
Kangin- Jordan Kim
Shindong - Matthew Shin
Sungmin - Vincent Lee
Eunhyuk - Spencer Lee
Donghae - Aiden Lee
Siwon - Andrew Choi
Ryeowook - Nathan Kim
Kibum - Bryan Trevor Kim
Kyuhyun - Marcus Cho

나에 "리스트"

My list (in order) of attractiveness (인물만) : 근대, 대충 다 평균한국 남자들 보다 더 잘생겼어) Overall, they are better looking than average Korean males, in my opinion.

1. Yesung (예성)- August24,1984 // mysterious, sexy goodlooking with the sexiest voice
2. Sungmin (성민) -January1,1986 // pretty-boy who loves pink goodlooking
3. Donghae (동해) -October15,1986 // the boy that every women wants, charmer good-looking
4. Ryeowook (류욱) - June21,1987 // the cute/ short guy with high-pitched voice good-looking
5. Eunhyuk (은혁) - April4,1986 // the lanky (tallish)/ best dancer good-looking
6. Hangeng (한경) -February9,1984 // the Chinese good-looking
7. Kyuhyun (규현) -February3,1988 // The youngest (magnae) charm good-looking

(8-13 are subject to change constantly) <=> (8-13 는 항상변해요)
8. Leeteuk (이특) - July1,1983 // the oldest guy, leader good-looking
9. Ki-bum (기범) - August21,1987 //the baby-face, i'm an actor good-looking
10. Kangin (강인) - January17,1985 // manliest man/ tough good-looking
11. Shindong (신동) -September28,1985 // the huggable bear, sense of humor good-looking
12. Siwon (시오ㅓㄴ) -February10,1987 // the gesture guy with a special charm good-looking
13. Heechul (히철) -July10,1983 // witty funny good-looking

Oldest to youngest
Leeteuk ♥ July1,1983
Heechul ♥ July10,1983
Hangeng ♥ February9,1984
Yesung ♥ August24,1984
Kangin ♥ January17,1985
Shindong ♥ September28,1985
Sungmin ♥ January1,1986
Eunhyuk ♥ April4,1986
Donghae ♥ October15,1986
Siwon ♥ February10,1987
Ryeowook ♥ June21,1987
Kibum ♥ August21,1987
Kyuhyun ♥ February3,1988

나에 이야기

My story:
그전에 예기했어지만, 저에나이는 30 살 (1981). I said before that I am 29 years old. 저는대학교 조롭했어요. I did graduate from college. 또 학교다녀요. I am still attending school. 고등학교 수학선생님대개. To become a high school math teacher. 선격이 재밌어요. I have an interesting personality. 저슈쥬멤버들하고 비교 해면, 강인 하고같에요. If I were to compare myself to Super Junior members, I am similar to Kangin. 운동 하고 활동하는거 좋아해요. I like sports and being active, whenever possible. 저는 자연쓰러운 톰보이 에요. I am, in nature, a tomboy. 강인처럼 저는 힘이 좋아요; 저가그렇깨생 각하고싶어요. 다른 사람들은 달은 말하지만... I am strong as Kangin is; but I like to think of myself that way, although some people I know disagree. 착해요. 어떤때, 너무순진하다고. I am nice, sometimes too naive. 대학교에 심니학을 전공했어요. 또, 통개학 도 전고했어요. I studied psychology and statistics in college. 형재가없어요. I am only child. 그래서, 슈푸주니어 멤버 들을 동생 처럼 생각하고싶어요. This is why I'd like to think that Super Junior members are like my little brothers. 옛날에 진짜형재들을 있고싶어서요. I think i wanted to younger siblings really badly. 한국에 역삼동 강남구 에 태여났어요 (서울.) I was born in Yeoksamdong, Kangnam of Seoul, Korea. When we first immigrated, we lived in Philadelphia for a year. 힘들렀어요. It was difficult. 뉴욕으 로 이사갔어요. Then we moved to New York. 학교들때문에, 피치버거 하고 보스톤 에잠실 만 사랐어요. Because of schools, I lived in Pittsburgh and Boston temporarily. 저는 하나님 과 예수님 을 맏어요. I believe in God and Jesus. I am a Christian. 교혜 아이들 성생님 에요. I am a Sunday school teacher. 저에 하나님 믿음 이 저에 생활에 중요해요. My faith in God is very important to me. 저는 한국에 4 번 다녀왔어요 (1988, 1992, 1994 & 2004.) I've been to Korea 4 times already [indicated years in bracket.] 저에 취미 가많아요. I have a lot of hobbies. 요즘에는, 슈퍼주니어 에 노래 듣기. Lately, it's been listening Super Junior songs :) 그노래 들을 IPOD 에항상트러요. I repeatedly listen to their songs on my IPOD.

My first entry as a SUJU fan

Hello people, I am a Super Junior fan. I am not in my teens, nor am I in my early 20s. 안녕. 저는새로운 슈쥬 팬입니다. 저에 나이는 저근 나이안니에요. 사춘기를 한참 진았어요. I've only been a SuJu fan for only 2 months. 슈쥬 팬됀지 2달 백개대지않았어요. I am actually 29 years old. 저는실재로, 30 살입니다. I think Super Junior is very special for good number reasons. 많운 이유로 저는 슈퍼주니어 가 특별해요. They are like my brothers for some reason. 이상하개, 저에 동생들갔에요.

I have never been a fan of anything or anyone before Super Junior. 저는 그전에 아무도 팬안이엤어요. it is very lonely to be a Super Junior fan at this age. 이 나이에, 슈쥬에 큰팬대는개 왜로오ㅓ 요. It is embarrassing sometimes. 가금식, 민망해요. But I love them. 근대, 개내들을사랑해요.

2 months ago, I haphazardly found them on 2 달전에, 에서 우연이 mv 로 찾았어요. I was never really into Korean music. 그전에 한국음악에 오랬동안 관심이 없어어 요. Maybe I was slightly into G.O.D. 7 년전에, G.O.D. 를조금 관심이있어어요. But afterwards, I really cared less. 그후로, 한국음악 (그룹)에관심이 저녀없어어요. 2 months ago, I wanted to see how much Korean music changed, and whether there were any noteworthy Korean solo artists/ group. 2 달전에, 저가굼굼했어요, 얼마나 한국음악이 그동안에 변낸건지, 하고, 좋은 한국 그룹 이있을까?

There are many reasons I love Super Junior. 저가 슈쥬를 많은 이유로 사랑합니다. First, out of all the Korean male groups, there are the most handsome. 한가지 사랑하는이유가, 한국 그룹 중에서 (남자 그룹), 잴 잘생겼어요. They are all gorgeous looking. 다 미남이에요. I admit that that the the first reason I got hooked on them. 솔치키, 그이유로, 처음으로, 끌려젔어요. First video I saw of them was "sorry, sorry", and I told myself that they are charming men. 처번 비디오 본개, 쏘리쏘리에요. 그때, 와, 진짜, 절문 남자들이 메력에 넘친다. Then I saw "it's you" and "Sorry, Sorry, Answer". 그호로, "너라고" 하고, 쏘리쏘리 Answer (답장) 를봤어요. Then I saw, wow, they are a group of prettiest boys. 속으로 생각했어요: 참, 다잘생겼다. 재일, 미남이다. Then I saw their older songs, and they were all as good as the recent ones. 옛날 노래들도 드렀어요. 요즘 노래처럼, 참, 잘만드렀요. The reason why Super Junior's songs are special is because they really make me feel good, and really happy about life. 슈쥬노래가 특별하는 이유가, 진짜, 저에 보닌을 속으로 행복하개 만들러요. This is true especially when I feel depressed. 우울할대도, 기분좋깨 만들어요.
So later, I wanted to learn more about them: individually and as a group. 그후로, 슈퍼주니어 에대서 굼굼한개 많았어요: 개인적으로 와 그룹으로. After that learning about them, I fell in love with them more. 개인에대사 과 그룹에대서 배우구 해에, 더 사랑에빠젔어요. It is so cute that they are able to get along so well! 보기에는, 그룹 멤버 들이 다 잘진에는 보면, 참기여오ㅓ요. I was very touched about that. 그거때문에, 감독받았어요. That is one of the important reason why I love SuJu a lot. 그이유로, 슈쥬 가 더사랑쓰러오ㅓ 요. And there are 13 of them ! That is awesome! 그룹멤버가, 13 명이자나 ! 참, 보기좋따 ! Each member is so unique in his personalities. 한그룹 멤버들이 성격이 트기해. Their personalities fit well. 개내들에 성격들이 맞어요.

I saw some of their TV programs. 슈퍼주니어 에 티비 프로 를 봤어요. Through that, I learned more about the group and each person's personality. TV 쇼로, 개인성격에배왔어. I love it that they are all humans. 보니까, 인간 같에요. It appears that their spirit is alive. 이 남자들에 성격이 사라난거같에요. That is just touching. 또다시 말하지만, 감독쓰러요. It seems like they have long history. 그룹에 역사가 기러요. It is a combination of happiness and sorrow. 행복한시대 있고, 나쁠때도 있어어요. They really view their fans dearly, and treat them with respect. 팬멤버들을 소중하개 생각한거갔에요. So I respect them. 그래서, 저는 슈퍼주니어 를 존교한다.