Thursday, February 18, 2010

신동 (Shindong)

이름 (한글): 신동희 (Shin Dong Hee)
Date of Birth (생일): September (9) 28, 1985
6th oldest member
11th favorite

To be honest, I feel bad for Shindong. I'm sure he gets discriminated a lot because of his weight. A lot of people say he's probably the worst looking member, but I think that is just unfair. If you look at his face, he's not bad-looking. If he was an entertainer in US than he wouldn't stand out that much. But that's my own personal grievance about the whole weight thing going on in Korea. But this guy is funny. I think he won something for his comedy at one point. He is cute, like a teddy-bear. He seems very sweet. He seems social too. He is a well-liked person. He is full of life and personality. He is his own radio DJ, and it seems like he's been busy with that. Sometimes I think he's the funniest member. He is a great dancer; I am amazed at his dancing skills. He's always in the forefront with the other boys. Like other members, he's like a little kid. He doesn't appear in a lot of shows, so I don't know too much about him compared to other members. He is in Super Junior Trot, Happy. He, like couple of the others, is an only child. Shindong also has an official twitter that I am a regular follower, I also write comments on pictures he post. :P He is also a DJ for SimSimTapa, a radio station.

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