내가예기 했지? 그전에, 한국가수들에관심이없어따구. 슈쥬알기 전해는. DBSK, 샤니, 빙방, 비.... 솔직끼, 관심이없어. 새빈 과 F.T. Island 은 인정해. 개내들도 실력이있어. 근대, 팬 이라고 말하기가그래. 나 어렸을때는, 아무도 팬니 안니엤어. 봉통때는 노래들을틀면, 2번틀면, 진짜 질색이야. 한번틀면 충분해. 근대, 슈쥬노래들은 그렇치않아. 다른노래들면, 한번 더들면, 질쌕이야 - 듣기싫어... 미국노래도 끈팬이않이엤어. 저는 뉴욕에 살자나. 만해탄 에 오래많해갔어어. Times Square & Union Square 에서, 끈음학가개갔어어. 문들이 다 다닸어. 슈쥬 C.D. 들을찾아려그랬어. 진짜, 슬퍼서요. 한국에서, 슈퍼주니어 에팬이많으면, 좋깨서요. 저도알아요: 다른동남 아사아 에 인끼가더많은거. 미국에 오면 진짜좋을탠대. 저에 상상은, 저에미국에잘안한국친구도 다 슈쥬 몰은사람이많깼다. 그래서 혼자 여거서 팬돼는개왜렇우. 그렇깨 느껴요. 나이도저근 겄도않이대. 저는 이특 과 히철 보다 2.5 살많아요. 개내들도 그구룹멤버들 중에서 재일 나이 많아요. 귀여운 동생 갔에요.
Like I said before, I had no interest in Korean music before... before Super Junior. I have no interest in DBSK, Shinee, Big Bang, and Rain. I acknowledge the talents of Se7en and FT Island. They are pretty talented. But I cannot say that i am a fan of theirs. Beforehand, I was never a fan of anyone or anything. On average, whenever I hear the same song twice or more, I get sick of it. Once hearing was usually enough. Super Juniors songs are an exception. I usually get sick of it and don't want to hear it anymore if it's more than once. I was never this into American artists either. I went to large music stores in Times Square and Union Square, and I found they were closed down. I wanted to look for Super Junior CDs. That was pretty sad. I wish there were more Super Junior fans in Korea. I know they are even more popular in other Asian countries. It would be nice if the market will enter the US territory. I think there are a lot of Korean American friends of mine who hardly heard of Super Junior. So that is the reason why it's really lonely to be the sole Super Junior fan here. At least it feels like it. Neither am I young. I am 2.5 years older than the two eldest members there: Leeteuk and Heechul. They are very cute.
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