Wednesday, February 17, 2010

나에 이야기

My story:
그전에 예기했어지만, 저에나이는 30 살 (1981). I said before that I am 29 years old. 저는대학교 조롭했어요. I did graduate from college. 또 학교다녀요. I am still attending school. 고등학교 수학선생님대개. To become a high school math teacher. 선격이 재밌어요. I have an interesting personality. 저슈쥬멤버들하고 비교 해면, 강인 하고같에요. If I were to compare myself to Super Junior members, I am similar to Kangin. 운동 하고 활동하는거 좋아해요. I like sports and being active, whenever possible. 저는 자연쓰러운 톰보이 에요. I am, in nature, a tomboy. 강인처럼 저는 힘이 좋아요; 저가그렇깨생 각하고싶어요. 다른 사람들은 달은 말하지만... I am strong as Kangin is; but I like to think of myself that way, although some people I know disagree. 착해요. 어떤때, 너무순진하다고. I am nice, sometimes too naive. 대학교에 심니학을 전공했어요. 또, 통개학 도 전고했어요. I studied psychology and statistics in college. 형재가없어요. I am only child. 그래서, 슈푸주니어 멤버 들을 동생 처럼 생각하고싶어요. This is why I'd like to think that Super Junior members are like my little brothers. 옛날에 진짜형재들을 있고싶어서요. I think i wanted to younger siblings really badly. 한국에 역삼동 강남구 에 태여났어요 (서울.) I was born in Yeoksamdong, Kangnam of Seoul, Korea. When we first immigrated, we lived in Philadelphia for a year. 힘들렀어요. It was difficult. 뉴욕으 로 이사갔어요. Then we moved to New York. 학교들때문에, 피치버거 하고 보스톤 에잠실 만 사랐어요. Because of schools, I lived in Pittsburgh and Boston temporarily. 저는 하나님 과 예수님 을 맏어요. I believe in God and Jesus. I am a Christian. 교혜 아이들 성생님 에요. I am a Sunday school teacher. 저에 하나님 믿음 이 저에 생활에 중요해요. My faith in God is very important to me. 저는 한국에 4 번 다녀왔어요 (1988, 1992, 1994 & 2004.) I've been to Korea 4 times already [indicated years in bracket.] 저에 취미 가많아요. I have a lot of hobbies. 요즘에는, 슈퍼주니어 에 노래 듣기. Lately, it's been listening Super Junior songs :) 그노래 들을 IPOD 에항상트러요. I repeatedly listen to their songs on my IPOD.

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