어적게, 슈쥬멤버들에서 썻따. 근대, 완전니정하칸 내용이안니다. Yesterday I wrote about the Super Junior Members, and I can't say that my writings about them were accurate. 틀맀수있다. I could be wrong. 오늘도개내들이엏떠깨 진핸지 굼굼하다. Today, also, i was curious about how they are doing. 진짜, 아는사람들갔타. It seems like they are people I know. 이상한느낌. The strange feeling. 근대, 다른그룹 와 소로가수 도좋아는사람들도있따 (한국에서.) There are other solo artists and groups that I like in Korea besides Super Junior. 슈쥬가없었으면, 새빈 과 F.T. Island 에관심들이있어따. If there were no Super Junior, I would have liked the Se7en and F.T. Island. F.T. Island 에 멤버들이 어리지만, 진짜 재주가많아. Although FT Island members are really young, they are really talented. 새빈에 시력도 인정하다. I acknowledge Se7en's talent. 최동우 (새빈) 도 진짜매력있개생겼어. Dong Wook Choi (Se7en) is really good looking guy too. 나는남자 목소리가좋아. 목소리 가 더깊으면, 메력이따고생각해. I like males' voice. The deeper it is, the more charming it is. 소녀시대 도 인정하고싶다. I'd like to acknowledge Girls' Generations' talents.근대, 멤버들에 목소리가 빗태. All the members' voices sound the same. 싫어하지않어. 팬은 아니다. I don't dislike them; I'm just not a fan. 나에 소녀시대 리스트가여기있따:
나는 예뿐여자들을 인정해. I acknowledge if a woman is pretty
내가남자 에면 좋아는 타이프. My type of girls if I was a guy
나는 질투하는 느낌을싫어해. I don't like getting jealous (if I do)
김현주 (1978) Hyun Joo Kim- 여자 연해 중에서 재일잎은 언니. Out of all the female celebrities, one of the celebrities older woman. 요즘에나타난 드라마 (dramas she's been in:) 파트너 (The Partner), 구중표 에누나 (꽃보는 여자) - Boys over Flowers - Gu Jun Pyo's older sister. 얼굴이 미술같에 Her face is a work of art.
이다해 (1984) Da Hae lee - 찐하개 생겼지만, 진짜예뻐. She's got strong features, but she is beautiful. 나타난 드라마 (Dramas she appeared in:) 에덴에 동쪽 (East of Eden), 마이 걸 (My girl)
손예진 (Ye jin Son, 1982) 영화 끄래씩 (The movie classic). 얼굴이 많하예뻐. Her face is so pretty@
나는, GOD 에 윤계상 을돼개 관심이있어다. I had a lot of interest with GOD's member Yoon Kye sang. 개내들 에노래들을 관심있어다. I had a lot of interests in their songs. 계상 오빠 (이재오빠라고 부룼우있구나) 이진짜잘생겼다고 생각해. I think Kyesang oppa (now I could call someone oppa, since SUJU members are younger than me) is very good looking man. 노래들을 잘불어. They sing really well. 내가 중학교때 룰라, 투투 노래들을 많하 들었다. When I was in middle school i used to listen to a lot of Roora and Tutu. 소리드 과 HOT, S#arp, 녹새치대. 그때 인기많은그럽. They used to be very popular. GOD 후에 한국노래들을 끈겼다. I stopped listening to Korean music after GOD. 중학고 1 학년에 서태지와 아이들 이나타났다. When I was in 6th grade, Seotaiji and Boys bombarded Korea.
나는한번도 음악그럽 (배우) 에팬핸직기없어다. 슈쥬가 나타날때 전해. I was never a fan of any music group or actors, until I encountered Super Junior. 인재알갰어. 팬대는 느낌이이런것. Now I know how it feels like to be a fan. 그 전에 상상을했다: 누구에 팬돼면, 느낌이어떻까? Before I asked myself how it would feel like to be a fan of something or someone. 나는 오ㅓ 래 이런 사람이 않이엤어다. I am not usually this kind of person. 그래서 생각을해는거야. So this is what I'm thinking. 슈퍼주니어 가 다른그룹 이없는거 있다. That Super Junior has something that other groups don't have. 특벽해. It is special. 인간성이많은거 같다. 진실이야. 숨시는 사람같아. 감정이 많어. it is like a human. It's real. It's like a breathing human. There are emotions too. 잘생기고 노래잘 부르고 땐스 잘추는 그룹 이새상에 많어. There are a lot of people/ groups that are good-looking, great singers and great dancers. 근대, 슈쥬 는그거보다 더다. Super Junior is more than that. 성격이있다. It has personality. 색칼을 치래다. It makes colors. 삶이도라온다. It back life. 개내들보면, 하고, 개내들에 노래틀면, 기분이 더좋아진다. When I see them, or listen to their music, I feel better. 나같이 우울사람한태. A person who is naturally mood as I. 다른 새상을떠나가는 니낌. The feeling that I am in another world. 웃음이 온다. Smiles come along. 2 달전부터, 그분이 더좋아젔다. Since 2 months ago, I've been feeling better. 슈쥬덕 분에. All because of Super Junior. 하나님 민는 인간 이이렇깨예기 한다. I'm speaking as Christian. 너무 푹바저가주고, 하나님 한태 쥐진느낌. Because I've fallen for them, I feel like I am sinning against God.
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