Thursday, April 1, 2010

facebook link: sadness that permeated through SJ history

so this is kind of sad, but true. This Korean ELF is pretty accurate. I don't know who he/ she is (assuming it's a girl.)!/note.php?note_id=406709634065&comments

I can't imagine how devastating this must be to the leader Leeteuk. Golly. And there is news (I don't know if it's a rumor or not) that Kibum might be leaving SJ soon. I hope it's a rumor. It's seems like one by one, they are leaving. I mean, considering they've been part of each other for 5-6 years. Most people, I guess, regular laymen, would expect the group to expire or something. But I didn't know that the pain they've been through was to THIS extent. I guess Leeteuk and Heechul would be the first ones to be held "responsible" and is taken the most criticism since they are the eldest in the group. But this is one of the reason why I love them: They endure through hardships. I like how this fan said that they are not just a fan of SM Town, but they are humans. I thought that was endearing. I didn't know that they went through that much pain. I cannot imagine what Kangin must go through now; I hope that he is not leaving anytime soon,the way that Kibum and Hangeng is doing. I felt bad for Hangeng. I also felt bad for Zhoumi and Henry since there were so many oppositions for them to join the SJ family. More on this later.

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