Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
yeah it's been awhile

So I had a long hiatus. May was a quiet month for me. Funny, since Sj had been busy and all. I am still a fan, no doubt. It's just that I got lazy with these posts and since school is over, I got very lazy. The 4th Album has done VERY well. The major news in terms of SJ is that Kangin was at the fan meeting and it was very emotional one. You see Super Junior members crying and hugging him and the fans cheering him on. The fan meeting was held in Korea (of course.) It was VERY emotional. He gained weight, but he looked the same. I tried to convert one of my friend or older sister into being a SJ fan, but unsuccessfully. Oh well. Well they did have a dream concert, did I mention about that. i hear of SJ members getting sick here and there. One being Kyuhyun. SJ-M had something going on too. So many things happening to them that I can't keep up sometimes. And I am trying to balance my own life. Shindong really wants to get married to this girl. who knows who is dating who, but it is their privacy. I am sure that the girls they are dating are drop dead gorgeous, making me look like a roach or something. well, I will miss Kangin, the person who resembles me in a lot of ways.
I still don't think my friends who are anti-K-pop or disinterested will ever know what SJ means to me. EVER. Not in a million years. As of now, they might just think of me as a crazy person. Oh well, aren't we crazy in different ways. thanks.
Friday, May 21, 2010
wanted: local SJ Fan
let's go for the most idealistic case to the least
- A 25+ year Super Junior fan living in NYC
- Any 22+ year old SJ fan (ideal if 25-29)
- Any Super Junior fan living in NYC (could be in their teens)
- Super Junior fan ANYWHERE in the US; however, must be 22-29 years old
- Super Junior fan 22+ years old, anywhere in the globe
- LOCALITY is important for SJ fan (so anyone who is an SJ fan) you could be male living in NYC
- You get the idea....
yesung CY (alittle older than the one below)

희철 예성에 크로우즈 제로 !!
Crows Zero* to Heechul Yesung
Source: Yesung's Cy
eunhyuk pulled all nighter
Thursday, May 20, 2010
the meaning of SJ to me
For some reason, their stories brought me hope. They went through a lot. i realized that there are times when I do get jealous of them because of their fame and friendships, and screaming fans left and right. I get jealous. i say, they have been through a lot and have perservered as individuals and as a group and they were able to sell 200,000+ albums. Recently, I've been jealous, telling myself WTF have I done with my life? compared to these boys who are younger than me, the youngest 7 years younger than I? I felt like useless piece of crap while these boys could have so much power to do so much, and be role models. i thought to myself that I felt insignificant compared to them because of their power and fame. But I watched the show and I realized that they are humans. They get lonely. They get scared. They are humans. They have went through so much ordeals. They still do. I am sure they feel uncertain at times. But their stories. How many "wows" could I say. They value life. They value each other. They value their friendships. They should make a movie out of their friendships and struggles. I personally have felt it more because i am prone to being lonely very easily. I am used to it. But seeing their friendship and endurance, I envy them.
update on SJ
- Pretty much all the boys on twitter are twitter whores, Sungmin the least (he is my favorite there on twitter, unless YS gets twitter ASAP)
- I take bunch of these quizzes on facebook and the person I get matched up from Sj is Eunhyuk. The ONLY reason is because I love dancing and so does he. But these quizzes, they are not accurate (I did get some share of HG, YS, LT, RW)
- They have been going on concerts after concerts, doing performances here and there
- Siwon had a surgery for something, it was just yesterday he posted a prayer meeting with bunch of entertainers when they prayed for Thailand's civil war
- SJ broke the world record for selling a lot of records after its release (it's already been 8 days.... wow, time flies.), I think 200,000, but I am not too sure.....
- I am sorry for Minah, but my favorite (ultimate) is Sorry, Sorry! I fell in love w/ it first sight
- I don't like the autotone for Minah, I can't recognize who sings what on it, besides Ryeowook's high-pitched voice
- "Boom" is nice (another song)
- I have yet to get the CD; there is version A and B and I heard there are just different pictures (it's embarrassing that I haven't ordered the CD yet, I still have yet to get Super Junior 05, their first discography.)
- I TERRIBLY MISSED KIBUM, KANGIN, and HANGENG, especially the last two. KIBUM not much because I don't know much about him.
- Super Junior (only Shindong, Eunhyuk, Yesung, Sungmin & Leeteuk) were singing a song "victory, Korea" for the World Cup this year. And it is super catchy. I want to buy the song. Addictive.... !!! Very spirited. Nationalistic.
- They had a 40 page spread on W magazine. And I hardly recognize them. They are not boys anymore. It's kind of scary, actually. They really looked like models. I mean it's easy for Eunhyuk who is the least camera shy, I think. He is a part time model, remember?
- So it sounds like Shindong wasn't "actually" proposing to his gf... but they are dating. It's been a long term relationship. Girl is very, very cute. She is a non-celebrity. I hope she doesn't get too much publicity and people would respect her privacy.
- The boys have been invited as guests at each other's Radio (Heechul's, Eunhyuk & Leeteuk, Shindong.) It's funny how they are doing it.
- It's kind of scary how these boys have muscles. I miss their cute selves to be honest w/ you.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
remark from an anti
So this anonymous girl (I don't know who she is) dissed Sj... saying it's too many people in the group and saying how unattractive some of the members are. But these girls are about to get into cat fight. oh my~! Well she did say that my two biased boys are ugly. But people are entitled to their opinion. But it is scary when they call Shindong fat. I guess I am a true SJ fan if I feel insulted to hear when they call SD fat. Although he did remark about fat girls once on radio and that lowered my opinion of him. I appreciated him in the beginning because he was unique becuase he wasn't skinny like hte rest of them. well, here is what I wrote.
well I am a HUGE fan of SJ, but I gotta say you must have a lot of guts to say that. People could disagree, that’s alright. But I do respect u for your honesty though. But I gotta say that they are different and so that is why I appreciate them. I am not dissing you. You are entitled to your opinion. I like to hear different voices when they are singing a song. I guess some people could say 13 is a lot of members, but hey it could be charming if you look at it another way. It’s their charm, I guess you could say. I don’t diss antis although I am VERY supportive of SJ. We all have different beliefs and likes, ya know? I like them because their songs make me happy and they have great, strong friendships. But thanks for your honesty though. Hey if we all having same opinions, life would be boring. Sorry that you have to get so much hashing. We all have freedom of voice, right? But I am a huge fan! We all have different things we like. ~ From a much older SJ fan.
u think i am a crazy fan???
there are fans crazier than I am.
I am actually not a crazy fan.
When I see what these fans do for Super Junior. wow. it's like their bloodline.
Giving lots of dough to UNICEF to celebrate for SJ comeback.
To make Youtube videos for SJ members to see
To feed the SJ members by bringing them food to the dorm.
it is CRAZY.
Maybe they are young and they have a lot of energy
Maybe it's because they don't have as much responsibilities as ADULTS
their commitments are staggering.
I am nothing. DUST.
This blog is nothing compared to what other SJ fans do.
I mean you should see some of the forums. There are people called administrators.
they dedicate TIME, $$$$, voluntarily....
I mean for instance, Boys in teh City Book
it costs like $60. I am like gonna try to but it later, but still....
You could easily spend $1000 on SJ stuff. I spent very much less.
And these are high school students.
They don't care about being acknowledged by SJ members.
They just want to SUPPORT them with all their might.
i don't know how they do it.
I don't think I can. I am a low key person I guess.
I guess for a 29 female, this is hardcore too.
Note blue color for Sapphire Blue.
who eunhyuk reminds me of

my first love's best friend. when i was more than half my age.... hehe!
good times, good times... one of those Dawson's Creek moments (without the drama of it.)
Haha 90s baby, the best century ever ! I missed it ! He was lanky, tall and funny. Older than me though. I remember one guy told me he (my first love's BFF) was popular amongst ladies. that is a commonality with him and EH.
what if SJ members were just
SJ are not just cute boys
Hyukjae's week start nw

sorry Kangin. I don't know what to say. I just feel really really bad for you. I tried 2 write another letter for you, but words are not coming out because I feel terrible. I don't know how you are doing right now. I can't imagine. But wherever you are. Every week will be Kangin week, in a way. Because I could relate to you the best, I thinkI am sentimental towards u compared to Hangeng and Kibum. I think it's because we are TOO similar. in so many ridiculous ways. I just talk less than you do. But I will reserve writing that letter later on. When words are popping..
But to poppin' Eunhyuk and dancing machine and swagger boy.
legit nickname: silver, monkey anchovy!
WElcome to twitterworld!
(Allrisesilver : username) can I have at least half of your SWAGGER! the player. Ladies' man.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
fantasy island
Hangeng and solo career
Hyukjae's uneasiness reported on CY

The feeling is a little weird… Setting out with the feelings of debut…
So nervous until (I) can’t even sleep properly…
3 days 5 hours? Almost not sleeping? … T T.
The thighs and knees are a little bruised, did not sleep properly (and) face was a little swollen…
Really in this life that is not that good, did my very best in order to have the most perfect stage…
There is little pity (in the stage) ~~~~~~~~~ even though it was already very remarkable….
The moment (I was) standing on the stage, the tears is coming out….
Although I managed to hold back.. ^^
Now even feel like crying when looking at me on the stage with all of the members…
The seats that are filled with sapphire blue… If (I) cry the eyeliner will come off… So I hold it back…ㅋㅋ
Hoping/Awaiting for good results.. Although it is definately..
Even if that is not the case, also want to do the activities properly without regret…
As compared to others, I want to enjoy the stage I am on…
I want to become the brightest light on the stage…
The other members are really too handsome… Not that shiny during most of the time..ㅋㅋ
Also, really want to see our ELF… alot ~~~~~!!! ^^
Protecting us/Being with us like that… Thank you ^^
See me once per day!!!!!
We are!!!!!! Super Juni~~~or!!!!!
chinese translation: 小白
english translation: minoko2440 @
Monday, May 17, 2010
bonamana record
Saturday, May 15, 2010
another reason I became an SJ fan

a more depressing/ romantic reason
well, I experienced a one-sided love for 10 years. Same person. Right by the time I got over him, I had learned about SJ. yes in my heart, I told myself I would love him for the rest of my life, no matter what. But that withered, and I was disappointed w/ myself, for failing that promise. But it didn't help that he was no longer accessible anyway. At 1 point, I thought he was the one. I confessed to him many moons ago by writing a love (Valentine's day) card on a bluish green card (I remember looking for that card.) Although I had confessed two times before, this was meaningful. I decided to post hangeng's picture so that I could get rid of the so many of them. Heck I should do that with Eunhyuk's. He's got 10 billion pictures. He's not even my bias. He is upper though.
Sungmin & Yesung: it's not over yet
Yesung's soundtrack....

so different from the other songs that he has sung.. such a sad song... such a sad drama... kind of made me teared while watching it on TV (because they were showing it there.) Guy (Yesung) knows how to elicit emotions through his voice. When I watched it on TV just now.. wow it is a powerful song.. I like dance music and not slow music, but this one just makes you feel hallow.
who does Kangin remind me of

Personality wise? ME! you know you may think I am a weirdo, but I know myself BEST. Definetely no way like the other guys... Don't have leadership skills like Leeteuk, no funny jokes by Heechul, no charisma like Hangeng, no confidence for his weirdness like Yesung, I am not funny like Shindong, i am not pretty like Sungmin, I am not like Eunhyuk for his limber and sensitivity, not like Donghae and hte rest (too lazy)! I am weird, but I do know myself the best! And I see kangin on TV shows, and I would have reacted the same way he did.. behaviors! I am thinking to much ! Yes I am!
who reminds me of the rest of the very very few BFs I had
who reminds me of my first BF

Yes, this guy. 10 years ago. No hard feeling. Mutual leaving. It wasn't drama. no worries. 10 years ago. I promise you he was the same height as me, and had a Southern drawl. A korean who couldn't speak a dime of Korean. Felt distant because long-distance.. Me overweight.. he skinny as a toothpick and short as a (can't think of a word.) Interesting. had a high-pitched voice. Grew up in Atlanta Georgia. Good guy. 6 years older. No bitterness! RW doesn't have a Southern drawl. But at least the height and the high-pitched voice. MK was paler and had bigger eyes. But random thoughts. Sorry Sorry ! It was short term anyway (long distance.)
minah review compared to Sorry Sorry

I am Sorry Sorry, but I do prefer Sorry Sorry over Minah. I would respond this if someone pointed a gun at my head. Minah it's very very good, but the boys are too mature now. They grew up way too fast. Kind of shocked how they are losing their innocence.. I mean they are hot, but I first knew them because of their cuteness.
Haha my mom knows Kangin... Heechul.. Leeteuk and Shindong She think they are all ugly... boo! I told what about Sungmin. She said he has no charm. Too picky! I think she was more prone for Siwon, actually. We are so ridiculously different! I told her she was similar to Sungmin and he also likes pink. ha!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Sorry sorry to all fans of other boy bands!

But I thought Super Junior members were, overall, the hottest Korean boys I've seen! Sorry Sorry ! I've seen members of other male groups, sorry sorry, never were my cup of teas! the picture -t he part where they whirl around in the Sorry Sorry routine.. it's also known as the arrogant routine.. You see, they know. i admit when i saw sorry sorry, it's you, and minah... at first times at least, i was drooling... although I am older than all of them !the truth is the truth, yo! I think they are all "my types"
Yehae after SUKIRA broadcast

my favorite and the first guy i recognized... in Yesung's Cyworld...
Yesung looks great here; makes me forget his "fat women" comment (which will be forever embedded in my my mind... Yesung, you dork!)
This picture makes his fat woman comment forgivable, at least slightly... But wow, he is so cute! and handsome! sorry I am biased! Donghae you too; however, you got way too many women competing for you, I cannot compete anyway!
credit: @@ Donghae's twitter & Yesung's cyworld
marry u
it is not Yesung, not Sungmin, not Donghae, not Eunhyuk, nor hangeng, nor Kyu, nor leeteuk, nor Kibum, nor Kangin, nor shindong (well, he is taken and I am sure THEY ARE ALL TAKEN BY NOW), not Shiwon, nor Heechul
it's really not about looks. it's the personality. it's the sensitivity. He may not be the BEST looking person in SJ; but looks fade. He may not be the guy with the biggest build nor even the tallest (but the other end ** hint hint**), but his maternal nature and love of cooking is just shows how he is a very eligible bachelor! Lucky girl for whoever snatches him!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Sungmin tweet

right after I posted the blog... it's called coincidence :)
So modern day pretty boy posted this:
오늘 첫방….어 긴장된다….이제 조금있으면 올라간다….두근거림이 느껴지시나요?기대하세요~여러분도 두근거리게 해드리죠…
Today 1st performance….Ah so nervous….We’ll go to the stage soon….Can you feel my heart beat? Look forward to us~We’ll make your heat beat too…
cr: sungmin twitter| trans by ASHKooKoo @ twitter
Posted by (here): Tomboygirl
Sungmin day

so i was thinking a lot about my pink bunny, Sungmin today, I don't know. we are complete opposites(cuz i am most like Kangin; see Intimate Note show)! He replied to a twitter to an SJ fan who wrote about a her friend who died and how she is able to see sungmin from heaven (something like that.) it was touching that Sungmin wrote something sweet about that (back.) hehe! Their performance is coming up soon. To be honest, I don't know exactly when. I will have to check youtube tomorrow or the next day because for few days it's crunch time for school. But pink bunny! Nice face, Sungmin. To the cuteness overload boy!

So, Shindong had used "codes" to propose to his girlfriend in the "thank you" part of the album. WOW! So, who would think of that! Wow that is the craziest thing I ever heard. So he wrote it in special codes and his fans had decoded it (I don't know how.)
She is a very cute girl. Very young looking. But very cute! Petite. Skinny with cute face. I mean she is very pretty, let me tell you. THe company SMent had confirmed that SHINDONG, our DONG DONG was PROPOSING?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!?
Just wow
I am just in shock!
Hopefully she treats him right!
He deserves happiness because he is a great kid.
Just speaking, as she is hot/ cute. I realized as I think about the '85 kids. Kangin had pictures of pictures with him and an eye-candy in his arms. it's always tall, skinny girls.... His girlfriends are always HOT! If I was a guy, I'd find the girls attractive.
But going back to SD:
“Nari, let’s get married. I’m proposing. I’ll love you forever.”
So wedding bells for SJ? first person to get married? wow. he is young (shindong.)
This is really crazy. Propose on an album cover??????
IreaLLY hope that she treats him right!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Asia's HOTTEST men list
63 - Donghae
Woah HEECHUL! which SJ didn't make it: Yesung, Shindong, Kangin
Sorry, Sorry: yesung is not that popular, even though he has made big waves with his professional career! wow!
other korean actors I know
67 - Dongwook Kim
54- JeongMyung Cheon (woot)
40-Jihoon Joo
17-Kim HyunJoong
16- MinHo lee
3-Junki Lee
#1 goes to a DBSK member (lucky) I don't know any except Eunhyuk's BFF, Xiah Junsu
Leeteuk's cyworld up and running again

so i don't know how long it has been, but Leeteuk's cyworld was hacked and so he wasn' table to write his bury his soul in it...Mr. Philosophy. but it is up and running again. I think it's really been few days. But he wrote "FOREVER" on his title bar. I love these boys because these boys have PASSION! they have a motto and they have a purpose. I did comment on a twitpic (his.) It had a funny picture in it but my comment was serious. I wrote something along the line of (not exact words): "I am older than you, but I respect you as if you are an older brother." maybe it was too much :(
@@ credit at Leeteuk's cyworld