Tuesday, May 4, 2010

[letter]Kangin week revisited: I am not going to write a lot today

Quality versus Quantity:

Dear Kangin [김영운],
I have to be honest, I became a fan of Super Junior after your 2 incidents last year. Honestly, i've been a fan of SJ for 3-4 months already. It seems longer, but it is such a pleasure to be a fan of your group. I am sorry for all the things that are happening to you. it just must be very difficult for you. I am glad that SM Town Record is respecting your decision for you to join the army. There are so many fans, including I, that are rooting for you. There are so many people behind you, including your brother (members) who are with you forever. I am sure these brothers of yours miss you tremendously.
I am deeply saddened that you cannot participate in any of the songs, events, and performances of SJ. You are such an essential part of SJ. At least I will miss your deep, husky voice. We will miss your unique sense of humor.. your big and strong benevolence. No wonder they called you the "dad", the "protector" of SJ. You really care about your brothers. You carry such strong presence in SJ, and SJ will be so different without you. Your fans will miss your tremendously; they are already experiencing your loss.
You and I are very similar in personality. I feel like I could best relate to you because of our similarities. We make stupid mistakes, and then we go into complete hiding. I know that. How difficult it was when your fan asked you if you wanted to take a picture with him, and you refused because the guilt and the shame you felt. I wish you wouldn't feel guilty and shameful for a long time. They are useless emotions. I know it's easier said than done. But I hope that you would get over that fear of the past. I know, I struggle w/ it too. We are both hot-blooded and impetuous. We act before we think. We have so many obstacles, so many dark clouds. We feel like we failed. I could sense you feel like you have failed your fans. I have failed people around me. How do we face other people? Let's just say I could feel your pain. I read your letter. Shame and guilt is written all over it. And then I heard that you were forced to go to the army. Is that true? Well chin up brother. Let's forget about our past's mistakes. So many things working against us. So many judgments passed on us.
I hope you live up to your name strong benevolence. Think this: there is a reason for everything. For my mistakes and yours; although separate. Let's dismiss all the negative voices that come into our lives, our ears I mean. SJ fans (elves) are still with you despite how many mistakes you've made. It sounds like you feel like you are the black sheep of SJ. If you are happy and have forgiven the mistakes you made in the past, I will do the same. Ugh, the guilt and shame we experience ! Isn't it terrible? But let's forget about the past (as repeatedly said before.)
I hope the army treats you well. Me and all raccoon lovers are cheering you on! We hope that you would come back soon. We would like to see you in performances soon. I hope you don't go into hiding long. I know we like to go into hidings often, from the spotlight when we make mistakes. But fans would love you despite what you did.. Your brothers from Leeteuk to Kyuhyun would continue to love and support you. Because... you are strong benevolence. You love to protect your older and younger brothers. You don't want harm to come into them. The content of this letter is sincere. I don't care if you don't read them. I doubt this would reach you. I even doubt that you would understand them anyway. But there are so many people rooting for you. Even though you may be feeling like the devil is taking a foothold in your life; remember, all your accomplishments. Sometimes failure is a positive thing. I say the same thing to myself. You are still young and still learning and growing. Show that you are strong benevolence; that you are able to forgive yourself and treat yourself well.! 힘내! 화이팅 ! 아자, 아자!!!, to our Raccoon!

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